1st Provincial Organic Agriculture Congress (POAC)

Everyone is encouraged to join the upcoming Provincial Organic Agriculture Congress (POAC) on November 17-18, 2021. The program will start at 8:30 AM. We are hoping that you will attend and become part of this event.

The background of the event is stated as follows:

The project FROAST or Fostering Robust Organic Agriculture Sustainable Technology is a way of Bulacan State University to contribute to the national programs of the government pertaining to the agricultural sector. With a heart to operate, FROAST is abiding by the Philippine Organic Agriculture Act of 2010 or the Republic Act 10068 and is continuing its battle to help the Department of Agriculture achieve the promotion of ecologically sound, socially acceptable, economically viable and technically feasible production of food and fibers for Filipinos.

Pursuant to the goals and objectives of the project to further promote and market organic products as well as to capacitate organic growers in Bulacan by providing skills training pertaining to organic farming, despite the pandemic, the project never loses its way to continue being an instrument that supports our brothers and sisters in the agricultural sector.

In reference to this, the whole team of Project FROAST in collaboration with the Provincial Agriculture Office (PAO) will spearhead the 1st Provincial Organic Agriculture Congress (POAC) on 17-18 November 2021 via Zoom and Facebook Live.

This event will be an avenue to gather the organic practitioners in Bulacan. All of their best practices will be highlighted in the event.

Its conceptualization is pursued to support the province-wide promotion of organic agriculture practices, organic products, and its benefits to human and environmental health in Bulacan under the Project FROAST (Fostering Robust Organic Agriculture Sustainable Technology) currently funded by the DA-NOAP.

The event is strongly recommended in support to the main objective of Project FROAST in terms of promotion and propagation of organic agriculture practices and to help the farmers to market their organic products in Bulacan. It also aims to support the national programs of DA-NOAP (Department of Agriculture – National Organic Agriculture Program) on plant, plant, plant to further promote, propagate, further develop and implement organic agriculture practices in the Philippines that contributes to better farm incomes and sustainable livelihood, improved health, environmental protection, disaster risk reduction and resilience to climate change, and social justice.

POAC is also a way of BulSU to help in the realization of UNSDG Goals for 2030 specifically SDG 13 or Climate Action; SDG 15 or Life on Land; SDG 14 or Life Below Water; SDG 6 or Clean Water; SDG 2 or Zero Hunger; SDG 3 or Good Health and Well-being; SDG 8 or Decent Work Conditions and SDG 12 or Responsible Consumption and Production.

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