Center for Advanced Environmental Science and Agricultural Research

Who we are

The CAESAR Center

The CAESAR Center provides necessary support and services to make agriculture and fisheries, and Agri-based enterprises profitable and to help spread the benefits of development to the poor, particularly those in the rural areas, and is also responsible for the conservation, management, development, and proper use of the country’s environment and natural resources. The CAESAR Center will use sophisticated robots, temperature and moisture sensors, and GPS technology. This advanced precision agriculture and robotic systems devices will allow farms and gardens to be more profitable, efficient, safe, and environmentally friendly. Read more


To ensure natural resources for present and future generations and to empower the farming and fishing to produce enough and affordable food.

Protect, inform, gather data. Promote environmental quality and sustainability ensured. Use industry, artificial intelligence, risk reduction management, research. Assistance and communication. Collaborations. 

To bridge the connection between BulSU, LGUs and other RDCs and agencies in the region and provide assistance to the community through information gathering and provision, service continuity plans, other equipment and innovations.


A technologically advanced and internationally competitive in innovative contributing to the communities its natural resources and biodiversity.


  • Tackle the needs concerning natural resources and Biodiversity in Climate change.
  • Gather and collaborate information from and to LGUs in Region III.
  • Propose projects that will Provide assistance to other RDCs.
  • Develop and innovate inventions that will create a good impact on the user and its environment.
  • To create standard procedures in using equipment for communities.
  • To develop products and services that can be commercialized and marketed in order to generate funds for the Center.
  • To develop training modules for machines and equipment.


  • Community
  • Agriculture
  • Environment
  • Politics
  • Economics

The expected deliverables from BulSU CAESAR for Environmental Science and Agriculture include but not limited to outputs/researches on Knowledge Management, Technology Development, Product Development and Process Improvement. The following are the initial deliverables of the Center:

  • Policy/Research Enhancement
  • Product Development
  • Community Development Program
  • Viable demonstration projects
  • Environmental Protection Measures
  • Environmental and Agricultural Impact Assessment
  • New Seed/Plant Varieties
  • Environmental Hazard Mapping
  • Agricultural Machinery Development